Remember: Practice with an open heart, flexible body and a free mind.
1. RESPECT - SELF AND OTHERS Everything begins and ends here.
1. BOWING - SITTING AND STANDING "Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo".
2. BREATH WORK Your breath is spirit. You will learn several types of deep breathing techniques to quiet, still and reflect the mind.
3. MEDITATION (meditation or quiet thought, inner prayer).
4. JUNAN TAISO (Muscle flexibility & conditioning skills) Muscle stretching and body conditioning will be done before class.
5. UKEMI GATA TAIHENJUTSU (ground hitting skills, breakfalls, rolling and leaping)
1. Zenpo Ukemi (forward breakfalls)
1. Zagata (kneeling)
2. Shizen (standing)-Ryote (two hands) Katate (one hand)
3. Tsuki (punching/kicking from breakfalls)
2. Koho Ukemi (backwards breakfalls)
3. Yoko Nagare Ukemi (sideways breakfall)
4. Zenpo Kaiten (forward rolling), Naname (diagonal)
1. Ryote (two hands)
2. Katate (one hand)
3. Mute (no hands)
5. Koho Kaiten (backwards rolling breakfall without raised leg)
1. Ryote (two hands)
2. Katate (one hand)
3. Mute (no hands)
6. Sokuho Kaiten (side roll)
7. Oten (Cartwheels)