Thursday, August 31, 2006

You will be impressed by the magnificent physique and the powerful performance of a specialist in one or other of the 'shorei' schools but you may feel that his lack of mobility is a disadvantage.

On the other hand, quite a small man may impress you with his speed and precision in the execution of 'shorinji' karate, but at the same time you may be doubtful about his want of strength and even vigour.

Ideally, the karate apprentice will learn and assimilate into his own personal style the merits of both kinds of karate.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

To make

a rough classification of the different schools, which are too numerous to treat in detail, we may distinguish two main categories. These are the 'shorei' and the 'shorinji'. Schools of the former category chiefly emphasise power through severe muscular exercise while those of the later have as their chief aim lightning fast movement. The katas associated with
'Shorei' karate are therefore 'tekki', 'jutte' and 'hangetsu' while 'bassai', 'kanku' and 'eubi' belong to the 'Shorinji' schools. The 'heian' katas (see the chapters on kata) are basic and have movements common to both kinds of karate.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Comment on the Different 'Schools' of Karate

There are as many different schools of karate today as there were of judo and kendo in the old days of 'ju-jitsu' and 'ken-jitsu'. Generally speaking, the various schools or subsidiary schools are named after the pioneers or experts who founded them. Not only in karate, but in all the martial arts, each individual has his own idea of what is essential and his style will conform to it. It doesn't of course follow that each individual is qualified to found a 'school'.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Breathing into your stomach must become a habit and then your 'kiai' will be spontaneous and effective even when not necessarily loud. To begin with, however, you must simply remember to shout loudly from the bottom of your belly when you perform a technique. In due course, you will perhaps master 'kiai' in its real sense, and will then often be able to overcome an opponent without fighting at all! To be able to convey so much confidence and will-power as to do this - simply by breathing! - is to exercise the advanced martial art of 'kiai-jutsu'. This might be said to be the perfect finished form to which all the martial arts aspire.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Don't imagine

that a loud shout is necessarily a strong 'kiai'. It must be full of aggression and come from the stomach. Breathing into the stomach rather than (or as well as) into the chest is in fact a rule common to all the oriental disciplines, spiritual or otherwise, that are concerned with breath-control. Breathing in this way does increase lung capacity, but in addition contributes a sense of well-being perhaps physically connected with the resultant lowering of the centre of gravity. One feels more stable - this point is certainly important to karate.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The use of 'kiai'

(or a shout) in Karate is one aspect of a wide application of breath- control. In order to shout one must breathe out. The obvious point is that sharp exhalation tends to contract the muscles, and particularly the abdominal muscles the use of which is essential for any really solid technique. Another point is that by emphasizing the out-breath (by the same token as that by which one emphasizes the out-breath while laughing) one tends to increase one's confidence, and if this is communicated with the 'kiai' to your opponent his confidence will tend to be correspondingly undermined. A further point is that one's vision is clearer (look at a page of print and breathe out sharply) and reactions quicker during exhalation. It follows from all these points, not only that one should breathe out at the moment of attack, but also that the moment of attack should come when your opponent has just emptied his lungs and can therefore only breathe in.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

4. Breath Control and 'Kiai'

Breath-control has been described as being 'zen itself in its physiological aspect'. Even before schools of Zen existed the relation of breath-control to awareness was a major preoccupation of Indian 'yoga' and chinese 'taoism'.

One's rhythm of breathing is, after all, affected by either the physical or mental state that one is in. When exhausted after training, one breathes heavily; when excited, one breathes quickly; when one laughs, the emphasis is on the outbreath; when one cries, or is afraid, the emphasis is on the inbreath. But also it can work the other way: one can affect the mental and physical condition by controlling one's rhythm of breathing.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Physical Development

In fact, the benefits are too numerous to be dealt with fully here. No wonder so many
'karate-ka' live to a great age!

Side-kicks stimulate the thyroid glands, ensuring a normal emission of hormones. Certain postures, particularly the 'iron horse' posture, strengthen the abdominal and hip muscles and also tone the sexual nerves which stem from the pelvic region. Breath control accompanies every movement improving the flexibility of sensory nerves controlling tenacity and contractile forces. Most important of all, perhaps, is the alternative that karate offers to the nervous prostration brought about by an excess of self-control which is such a hazard of civilization. Karate offers nervous balance and both mental and physical fulfillment.

Monday, August 21, 2006

General Health

If mental development is the real end of karate, the beginning is undoubtedly physical development. A sound body is always the basis of a sound mind.

But can anyone have a sound body? With a few obvious exceptions, the answer is yes. Karate training is particularly adaptable for persons of either sex or any age. The training, although hard, is never excessive. You need no apparatus, no partner, but only enough space in which to exercise. Later, of course, when you are ready to begin sparring, you will need a partner. By this time your health should be so improved that you will all be but unrecognizable!

Sunday, August 20, 2006


karate should consist in the mental control of an opponent or opponents. If you're challenged to fight, you will be prepared to avoid any attack and at the same time you will observe your opponent's weakness. You will take for granted a successful outcome for yourself and will concentrate completely. Without thought you will be aware of every slightest change or

movement in the environment. In such a state of mind you are ready to beat your opponent in physical combat, and meditation is essential for the cultivation of such a state of mind.

But if, on the other hand, you can control an opponent by sheer mental force - by the force of your personality - and make a peaceful settlement, this is the course you will choose. This is a discipline common to all the martial arts. It is known as 'kiai-jutsu' and is the real end of meditation in 'budo'.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Aby má odpověď nezůstala jen ve zcela teoretické rovině, zmíním zde příklad periodizovaného modelu pro běžce-sprintera. Zařazením upraveného "kopacího" tréninku na místo tréninku na dráze lze dostat obdobný rozpis pro vyznavače bojových umění.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

It would be

difficult to exaggerate the importance of 'mokuso'. You may not appreciate it at first but you will soon feel the benefits if you practise it every day. It is the moments of complete blankness, of being empty of all thoughts, that enable you to cultivate the sixth sense that men have to such a large extent forfeited in return for intellectual development. It was precisely this sixth sense that enabled the mediaeval 'samurai' to fight in pitch darkness or anticipate the most cleverly concealed ambush.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Imagine that you send the breath to the top of your head, down through the spine to the coccyx, the anus and the testicles, then concentrate it in the abdomen for a few moments. Return it through the chest to the mouth, breathe out and repeat.

Either routine should ideally be repeated at least once every day for five or ten minutes, and also before and after training. We have already mentioned its use before training. The purpose of 'mokuso' after training is to quieten the mental and physical excitement which a hard session necessarily entails. At this time it is practised by all the students, sitting in line, facing their instructor.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Mental Development

You begin by sitting on your heels, Japanese style. Your back is straight, chest out, shoulders down, and your nose must be vertically in line with you navel. Look straight ahead for a few minutes, then half close your eyes and fix them on a point two yards ahead of you on the floor. After a few more minutes completely close your eyes but continue to see the point on the floor in your imagination.

While you are a beginner, in order to forget whatever you may have on your mind, it may be helpful to concentrate on your breathing.

Friday, August 11, 2006

The primary aim of practising meditation in karate is not to turn the fighting art or the sport into a religion. It serves a practical purpose.

Rigid patterns of thought and confused emotions always tend to obstruct the understanding and anticipation of an opponent. They close the mind, and meditation or 'mokuso' is the means by which you are able to clear it before training. Here is how to practice.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The contact with intellectual life at university was invigorating for karate. New techniques were developed, old ones improved, and elements which had always been regarded as mysterious and supernatural were regarded in a more rational light. It must be remembered, however, that karate students now more than ever derive moral and spiritual strength from their training.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

There were in fact many different 'schools' of Okinawa-te, each one carefully guarding its secrets from the others. Secrets had also to be kept from the ruling classes and from any individual who might have misused them. Therefore, all training was carried out in the early morning or late at night, or else behind locked doors. No beginner was accepted until his good character had been established.

Thus modern karate is the outcome of centuries of interchange between China, the Ryukyus and Japan. It only recently came to be openly taught to the public first in Okinawa and later in Japan. During 1917 and 1922 the late Gichin Funakoshi, President of the Okinawa Bushokwai, demonstrated his powers in Tokyo. Funakoshi was to become Supreme Instructor of the new Japan Karate Association and by 1935 karate clubs were established at most of the leading universities in Japan.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

These were tough times in the Ryukyus. A succession of tyrannies, for their own preservation, had made the possession of weapons by any member of the civilian population a state offence. Understandably this boosted the interest in unarmed combat, producing a system called Okinawa-te, a mixture of Chinese and indigenous influences.

Monday, August 07, 2006


imposed the most severe discipline on the monks under him at the monastery of Shaolin. His students and their successors became famous for their physical prowess as well as their mental discipline and Shaolin was to give its name to one of the foremost schools of Chinese boxing. Shaolin boxing was introduced into the Ryukyu Islands, of which Okinawa is the main island, in either the fifteenth or the sixteenth century.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


1. History

The origins of karate are somewhat obscure. The most popular tradition traces them to the arrival in China of the fierce Indian monk Bodhidharma, or Daruma taishi, to give him his Japanese name. He is said to have arrived in Canton in AD 520 and he was also the First patriarch of Zen Buddhism in China.

Nečekaný příchod je neviditelný příchod. Nečekaný útok je neviditelný útok. Pokud chcete být neviditelní, dělejte nečekané věci a hlavně své plány nikomu nesdělujte ani před akcí, ani po ní.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Pozor! Ve stresových situacích jedná člověk podle nacvičených, dobře osvojených vzorů, které mu při výcviku přešly do krve. To znamená, že špatný návyk nebo chybně naučená technika, které se při výcviku naučíte, vás přímo ohrožuje na životě. Ovšem v případě, že se člověk na danou stresovou situaci výcvikem nepřipravil vůbec, bývá jedinou reakcí panika.

Existuje jistý druh lidí se zvláštní mentalitou, podle níž „mají právo“ na vše. Je to jen zlomek procenta populace, ale když si vezmou do hlavy, že vaše hodinky jsou jejich hodinky, vezmou si je. Touto mentalitou se vyznačují např. sběratelé s bezúhonnou pověstí, mafiánští nájemní vrahové nebo právní zástupci. Nejsou schopni myslet na nic jiného než na sebe a na svá práva.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Volte nenápadný oděv,

nenoste ninjovský oblek, tabi nebo kuklu. Nejlépe je zvolit podobný oděv, jaký nosí nepřítel a potom jej barevně sladit s prostředím, v němž se budete pohybovat. Nejlepší přestrojení a zároveň maskování, ve kterém můžete být viděni a zároveň zůstat nepoznáni, jsou montérky nebo bílý plášť a kalhoty (lékařský oděv). Kolemjdoucí vidí „uniformu“, ale nevšimnou si jejího nositele. Pokud budete mít např. opravářskou kombinézu, můžete ji také kdykoli snadno svléci a pod ní mít civilní oděv.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Pokud se skrýváte na dohled od nepřítele, přimhuřte oči co nejvíce a dýchejte se zavřenými ústy! Za určitých okolností mohou oči odrážet světlo, stejně jako zuby a vlhký jazyk.

Rovněž pokožka může odrážet světlo a totéž platí i o oděvech z umělých vláken, např. nylonu, obzvláště tehdy, je-li oděv vlhký nebo mokrý a pokožka zpocená nebo mokrá od deště. Oblékněte si nejlépe vlněný nebo bavlněný oděv, kuklu a rukavice.

Také vlasové kondicionéry způsobují krásný lesk vašich účesů. Jsou určeny k tomu, aby vaše bohatá hříva budila pozornost opačného pohlaví, pro bojovou operaci, která má probíhat tajně, jsou však zcela nevhodné.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Před operací se odeberte do koupelny a na toaletu. Snažte se řádně vyprázdnit a nezapomeňte, že i pouhé větry vás mohou prozradit nepříteli svým zvukem i pachem. Rovněž je nutno si pečlivě umýt celé tělo, jistě se vám již stalo, že jste cítili pach propoceného člověka nebo tabákový pach kuřáka na několik metrů a o několik vteřin dříve, než jste vůbec zjistili, odkud přichází. Totéž platí o kolínské, vodě po holení, deodorantech apod.