Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Eighty One
In our techniques we enter completely into, blend totally with, and control firmly an attack. Strength resides where one's ki is concentrated and stable; confusion and maliciousness arise when ki stagnates.

Eighty Two
There are two type of ki: ordinary ki and true ki. Ordinary ki is coarse and heavy; true ki is light and versatile. In order to perform well, you have to liberate yourself from ordinary ki and permeate your organs with true ki. That is the basis of powerful technique.

Monday, December 19, 2005


Seventy Seven
At the instant
A warrior
Confronts a foe,
All things
Come into focus.

Seventy Eight
Even when called out
By a single foe,
Remain on guard,
For you are always surrounded
By a host of enemies.

Seventy Nine
The Art of Peace is to fulfill that which is lacking.

One should be prepared to receive ninety-nine percent of an enemy's attack and stare death right in the face in order to illumine the Path.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

74- 76

Seventy Four
Be grateful even for hardship, setbacks, and bad people. Dealing with such obstacles is an essential part of training in the Art of Peace.

Seventy Five
Failure is the key to success;
Each mistake teaches us something.

Seventy Six
In extreme situations, the entire universe becomes our foe; at such critical times, unity of mind and technique is essential - do not let your heart waver!

Friday, December 16, 2005


Seventy Two
Protectors of the world
And gaurdians of the Ways
Of gods and buddhas,
The techniques of Peace
Enable us to meet every challenge.

Seventy Three
Life itself is always a trial. In training, you must test and polish yourself in order to face the great challenges of life. Transcend the realm of life and death, and then you will be able to make your way calmly and safely through any crisis that confronts you.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

69- 72

Sixty Nine
Free of weakness,
No-midedly ignore
The sharp attacks
Of your enemies:
Step in and act!

Do not look upon this world with fear and loathing. Bravely face whatever the gods offer.

Seventy One
Each day of human life contains joy and anger, pain and pleasure, darkness and light, growth and decay. Each moment is etched with nature's grand design - do not try to deny or oppose the cosmic order of things.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Sixty Seven
Always try to be in communion with heaven and earth; then the world will appear in its true light. Self-conceit will vanish, and you can blend with any attack.

Sixty Eight
If your heart is large enough to envelop your adversaries, you can see right through them and avoid their attacks. And once you envelop them, you will be able to guide them along the path indicated to you by heaven and earth.


Sixty Four
Spring forth from the Great Earth;
Billow like Great Waves;
Stand like a tree, sit like a rock;
Use One to strike All.
Learn and forget!
Sixty Five
When an opponent comes forward, move in and greet him; if he wants to pull back, send him on his way.
Sixty Six
The body should be triangular, the mind circular. The triangle represents the generation of energy and is the most stable physical posture. The circle symbolizes serenity and perfection, the source of unlimited techniques. The square stands for solidity, the basis of applied control.

Monday, December 12, 2005


Sixty Two
Manifest yang
In your right hand,
Balance it with
The yin of your left,
And guide your partner.

Sixty Three
The techniques of the Art of Peace are neither fast nor slow, nor are they inside or outside. They transcend time and space.


If your opponent strikes with fire, counter with water, becoming completely fluid and free-flowing. Water, by its nature, never collides with or breaks against anything. On the contrary, it swallows up any attack harmlessly.
Sixty One
Functioning harmoniously together, right and left give birth to all techniques. The left hand takes hold of life and death; the right hand controls it. The four limbs of the body are the four pillars of heaven, and manifest the eight directions, yin and yang, inner and outer.

Friday, December 09, 2005


Fifty Eight
Move like a beam of light:
Fly like lightning,
Strike like thunder,
Whirl in circles around
A stable center.

Fifty Nine
Techniques employ four qualities that reflect the nature of our world. Depending on the circumstance, you should be: hard as a diomand, flexible as a willow, smooth-flowing like water, or as empty as space.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

54- 57

Fifty Four
Always practice the Art of Peace in a vibrant and joyful manner.
Fifty Five
It is neccessary to develop a strategy that utilizes all the physical conditions and elements that are directly at hand. The best strategy relies upon an unlimited set of responses.
Fifty Six
A good stance and posture reflect a proper state of mind.
Fifty Seven
The key to good technique is to keep your hands, feet, and hips straight and centered. If you are centered, you can move freely. The physical center is your belly; if your mind is set there as well, you are assured of victory in any endeavor.


Fifty Two
To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. To control aggression without inflicting injury is the Art of Peace.

Fifty Three
The totally awakened warrior can freely utilize all elements contained in heaven and earth. The true warrior learns how to correctly perceive the activity of the universe and how to transform martial techniques into vehicles of purity, goodness, and beauty. A warrior's mind and body must be permeated with enlightened wisdom and deep calm.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


The Art of Peace is the principle of nonresistance. Because it is nonresistant, it is victorious from the beginning. Those with evil intentions or contentious thoughts are instantly vanquished. The Art of Peace is invincible because it contends with nothing.

Fifty One
There are no contests in the Art of Peace. A true warrior is invincible because he or she contests with nothing. Defeat means to defeat the mind of contention that we harbor within.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Forty Eight
A true warrior is always armed with the three things: the radiant sword of pacification; the mirror of bravery, wisdom, and friendship; and the precious jewel of enlightenment.

Forty Nine
The heart of a human being is no different from the soul of heaven and earth. In your practice always keep in your thoughts the interaction of heaven and earth, water and fire, yin and yang.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Forty Six
Instructors can impart only a fraction of the teaching. It is through your own devoted practice that the mysteries of the Art of Peace are brought to life.

Forty Seven
The Way of a Warrior is based on humanity, love, and sincerity; the heart of martial valor is true bravery, wisdom, love, and friendship. Emphasis on the physical aspects of warriorship is futile, for the power of the body is always limited.