Wednesday, June 22, 2005


There are more than 1,000 different forms of martial arts scattered around the world and dating back more than 2,000 years ago. When the martial arts started and where no one really knows. In our western culture we can date the development of martial arts such as archery and wrestling to ancient Greece. However there is evidence that martial art training dates to Babylonian times

Thursday, June 16, 2005

thai box

The Thaiboxing is an over 3000 years old martial art. In old writing one finds basis weapons: the feet, hands, ellbows and the knees.There are similar martial arts in other asian countries like Burma, Laos or Cambodia but they are not that known as Thaibox is. The history of the Thaibox is interwoven with the migration of the tribe Thay ( translation: "the free agents") in the 12th and 13th century from provinces Jiangxi, Sichnan and Hubei from South- China to Thailand.In the 13th century the migration of people was intensive because of the hard pressure from the mongols. That's why some sources from Thailand indicate that the Thaibox originated in the Chinese Boxing ( Kung-Fu ) but later on it was changed a lot. There are also other opinions: It was created during the constant fights between the Thais and Burmese, Khmerer and Vietkong and that's very probably because of the constant fights and the necessity to create martial art for wars. An old Thai legend talks about a fighter with the name Nhai-Khon-Don who was trapped by the Burmese. He achieved without a weapon his freedom because he defeated twelve Burmese sword Fighters. Remembering him there are tournaments in Thailand every year. The highest popularity display had Thaibox in the 18th century. The monarch of Thailand in this time was Pra-Chao-Sua, who was a master himself in this martial art. A legend says that he went to a local tournament with a mask on. Naturally he won all the fights. The Thaibox was teached in all the schools as premilitary education. There were no weight classify the fights were very hard. The combatants were barefoot with hemp bandages on their fists. There were also non restrictions. The training consisted of blows and punches on palms for the purpose of the strengthening of the fists and foots. The food of these fighters was often vegetarian. Some techniques still exist today but after the World War II it became one of the most attractive combative sports. Today it is used for self defence or for sportive purposes.