Tuesday, September 27, 2005


My name is Steve Wilson Jr. and I am the Chief Instructor of the Christian Karate Association. I have been studying karate for about 15 years and have achieved a forth degree black belt. I have taught for 8 years. I started teaching in my back yard with the local neighbors and teens from the church. We then used a facility in a local church in Cheney, Washington. Two years later, the Lord called us to expand our organization and move into a commercial setting where we fully developed the curriculum. While we were there, we grew from 4 students to around 85 students in four months. During that time we had 15-20 actively involved in a weekly bible study. The Lord then called us to move to our current location, in Post Falls, ID, to establish our National Headquarters and to expand our organization.
During the last 5 years the Lord has given me a vision of what He fully intends to do with the Christian Karate Association. I plan to expand the program nationally where there will be Christian Karate Association schools through out the United States. All of these schools will have state-of-the art facilities, great karate programs, excellent teachers, and dynamic outreach programs to reach people for Christ.