(side steps) are mainly employed to pass by the opponent after attack and normally comprise the first of the Tsuzukete (follow through) steps. Diagram 4a shows the Mae-migi Ugoki
(forward right) and Ushiro-hidari-ugoki (rear left) diagonal and by definition these are Tsugu-ashi
(following feet). Diagram 4b shows the Mae-hidari-ugoki (forward left) and Ushiro-migi-ugoki
(rear right) and to prevent the feet crossing over and to avoid tripping, these are technically in Nami-ashi (succeeding feet) style. Because of this, movement along this latter diagonal is avoided where possible. The Ugoki step has the effect of taking the body out of line whilst maintaining the shoulder and hips square to the direction of movement. If the body is allowed to swing sideways in passing, balance will be very easily lost.
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