Shintai Dosa
(basic footwork)
If it is understood that Shisei (fundamental posture) is the foundation of all techniques it will be equally clear that the only way to preserve this position is by footwork. All footwork is designed to preserve Shisei and generally speaking to maintain the advanced position of the right foot to facilitate instant attack at any moment. The basic aim is to step forward and strike the opponent in a special way and the only method of closing this distance without loss of Shisei or balance is by the correct step.
In the basic waiting position the left heel is lifted clear of the floor and the right knee slightly bent so that the body is inclined forward and some seventy per cent of the total body weight falls on to the ball of the right foot. In Kendo we are not concerned with attacks from the side or rear. There is only a single opponent who will always approach from the front. The basic posture is rather weak to the sides and backward movement is also less efficient but the whole body is poised for forward attack when required.
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