Tuesday, May 01, 2007


(diagram I) shows the actual attack step and in all illustrations the starting position is shown as shaded whilst the number refers to the sequence of steps. Fumikomi means
'jumping in' and this is the only occasion when the feet leave the floor. By studying diagrams 1 and 2 this may be clearly followed. The left foot thrusts the body forward and the right knee punches upwards, the right foot strikes vigorously into the floor as the cut lands. This is followed almost simultaneously by the left foot, which is drawn up into its original position. As the cut lands the body is virtually travelling forward in the original Shisei position. At this moment the direction of body-weight is direct forwards and downwards at an angle of forty-five degrees to assist balance. There is a very brief pause as the cut lands. Then a series of smaller steps are made until the forward momentum is dissipated. This follow-through, or Tsuzukete, continues to maintain the right foot in advance whilst the left foot constantly pushes. The result should be that the feet slide smoothly across the floor in a fast 'shuffling' action.
