Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Nigiri (the hand grip)

The method of gripping the hilt is the foundation of the cut and the movement of the Shinai. If the hands are incorrectly placed it is impossible to deliver a correct stroke, especially with regard to the left hand. Because of the gloves, this is difficult to see clearly but the position is the same as in the plate.

The left hand is always at the very end of the hilt, regardless of whether the student is left, or right-handed. The hilt lies transversely across the palm of the hand along the line of life, crossing under the base of the index finger and the butt lies in the heel of the hand. The threesmallest fingers curl back over the hilt to point back at an angle of forty-five degrees to its length, and tighten firmly to pull the butt into the inner palm which we call Tenno-uchi (inside hand). The fore-finger and thumb just curl about the hilt in a comfortable position.
