A high ranking
A high ranking teacher will often be accorded the courtesy of a special salutation and on the command 'Sensei-ni-rei' (bow to the teacher) the class bows whilst the teacher remains in Seiza position. Japanese Dojo have a Kamiza or shrine and a bow is made in this direction. It is also etiquette to pass in front of the teacher and perform Zae-rei by way of thanks after an evening's instruction and also to other students.
After the Rei have been completed a short period of meditation is made to calm the mind and settle the thoughts. At the command 'Mokuso' (meditation), or 'Muso' (no thoughts) the hands are folded in the lap, right over left (negative over positive) and silence reigns for about two or three minutes. Students concentrate on breathing or the Chushin (body centre) and attempt to gain the right frame of mind. This whole procedure is performed in reverse at the end of the evening.
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