Saturday, December 15, 2007

This gives an indication of the amount of effort to put into this or any other throw. In this throw the thrower should make sure that he does the throw so fast that he doesn't give his partner time to get out of the way or close his legs. There is a tendency when practising this technique to take undue regard for the opponent's comfort. Providing you sweep into the opponent's crotch with the broad expanse of upper back part of your right thigh it should cause him nothing more than a slight uneasiness.
As can be seen, the preceding three throws are for use against somebody leaning forward. To get the best effect in practice try to combine them with one of the rear throws of the leg throw section. If you attack strongly with a leg throw to the rear the opponent should react by bending forward. As soon as you get this reaction come strongly in for one of these forward throws and if you fail in this because your partner suddenly braces back instantly try a rear throw again. An example of this is inner leg sweep (o-uchi-gari) followed by the inner thigh (uchi-mata) followed by inner leg sweep again.