(inner thigh)
This throw is the number one contest throw. Possibly the reason for this is that in contest people defend and fight in a crouched position with their legs spread wide. This is not an ideal position from which to attack. But it is a natural tendency to retreat into it when competing against a good man. A man who adopts such a position is a sitting duck for uchi-mata.
Stand in the right natural posture with the man who is taking the throw bending forward with his leg spread wide. Pivoting on your right foot swing your left foot round and close in behind your right. As soon as your body and left leg have pivoted into position, with your right leg sweep back and upwards into the top of the opponent's thigh. This should lift him into the air. Now pulling strongly with your left hand across your body turn your man in the air and drop him on his back.
Labels: Judo
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