Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Introduction

This section on Kendo is more a manual for students thana 'Teach Yourself' attempt. It has been taken for granted that the reader is either a student already or considering starting. True Kendo, in common with older Martial Arts, will lack clarity unless it is practised.

The writer studied Kendo under Master Kenshiro Abbe Sensei during the period 1955 to
1964 and wishes to thank him for all his help. He is well known as one of the leading Martial Arts teachers - he was the youngest-ever All Japan Judo champion, and also studied Kendo, Aikido and Juken Jutsu (the art of bayonet fighting derived from spearmanship).

Until the end of the Second World War, the Butokukai (Martial Arts Society) controlled all gradings and teachings and Kenshiro Abbe Sensei was awarded a 6th Dan in Kendo from them, in 1945.
