Counter techniques,
2nd form Nikkyo (second form) into Sankyo (third form)
With counter-techniques you must completely follow your partner. At no time resist his technique, otherwise you will find that you cannot counter him. This is a very good exercise for harmony and relaxation. Make sure that you first try to 'give' yourself to your partner. Do not practise these techniques too fast until you have learnt to completely relax.First I will describe 2nd form Nikkyo. Your partner grasps your left wrist with his right hand. Step back with your left foot towards your right corner. Your right hand attacks your partner's face. Carry down his arm to grasp his right hand at the back. Now bring it up until his little finger is uppermost and his hand is resting on your left shoulder. Your left hand should be grasping his wrist. Now by bringing your left elbow over push down and out. So as to bend his elbow do not stay in this position but move backwards. Bear down on his wrist. These movements should not be done too sharply, but smoothly.
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