Saturday, November 11, 2006

Note that it is very important to practise all the forms of basic sparring with full spirit. As the attack is predetermined, the defender should be able to cope with it. Therefore, the attacker should try his hardest to 'get through'. The counter-attack, on the other hand, must never make contact, because the first attacker must make no attempt to resist it. He offers himself as a target.

Jiyu-kumite (free-style sparring). This is the most advanced form of sparring. Beginners are not encouraged to practise it, not so much because it is dangerous because beginners haven't really the power or the technique to attack dangerously, but because it can impede the development of power and technique. Faced with an opponent, the beginner will forget all the basic training he has so far learned. At a later stage, however, it is the most realistic application possible of the skill he has acquired.