Shiai Kite
(Contest Rules)
Contest is normally performed under the eye of one or more referees depending on senior grades available. The contest Ma Ai (fighting distance) is greater, with a good twelve inches between the points.
There is an Omote Shinban (front referee) and one, or two Ura Shinban (rear judges) and contestants normally have coloured sashes on their backs and flags are employed to indicate scoring. Two simultaneous decisions are required for the cut to score, according to complex rules. A good understanding of technique is necessary to properly understand scoring but the following will give a rough idea.
1. The technique must originate from at least full Ma-ai (distance) unless composite.
2. The Shisei (posture) and balance must be maintained throughout the action.
3. The blow must strike accurately and be delivered with the cutting edge of the point section.
4. The blow must be properly controlled and taken off.
5. There must be no contact between the opponents Shinai, the cut must be clear.
6. The opponent's Shinai must not be in contact with the attacker's body as the cut falls.
7. The cut must be delivered with spirit and declared loudly by name.
A scoring point normally gives an impression of fluidity and hits the opponent's body quite naturally. Awkward or uncontrolled blows are not counted as valid. If two blows land together this is taken as Aiuchi (double hit) and no score. If a time lag can be seen the first blow to hit takes the point. After three contacts of the blade the Shinban will normally halt the match and restart from the centre.
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